ManiGaussian: Dynamic Gaussian Splatting for Multi-task Robotic Manipulation

1Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University, 2Carnegie Mellon University 3Department of Automation, Tsinghua University
ManiGaussian: Dynamic Gaussian Splatting for Multi-task Robotic Manipulation


  • We propose a dynamic Gaussian Splatting framework to learn the scene-level spatiotemporal dynamics in general robotic manipulation tasks, so that the robotic agent can complete human instructions with accurate action prediction in unstructured environments.
  • We build a Gaussian world model to parameterize distributions in our dynamic Gaussian Splatting framework, which can provide informative supervision to learn scene dynamics from the interactive environment.
  • We conduct extensive experiments of 10 tasks on RLBench, and the results demonstrate that our method achieves a higher success rate than the state-of-the-art methods with less computation.




Performing language-conditioned robotic manipulation tasks in unstructured environments is highly demanded for general intelligent robots. Conventional robotic manipulation methods usually learn semantic representation of the observation for action prediction, which ignores the scene-level spatiotemporal dynamics for human goal completion. In this paper, we propose a dynamic Gaussian Splatting method named ManiGaussian for multi-task robotic manipulation, which mines scene dynamics via future scene reconstruction. Specifically, we first formulate the dynamic Gaussian Splatting framework that infers the semantics propagation in the Gaussian embedding space, where the semantic representation is leveraged to predict the optimal robot action. Then, we build a Gaussian world model to parameterize the distribution in our dynamic Gaussian Splatting framework, which provides informative supervision in the interactive environment via future scene reconstruction. We evaluate our ManiGaussian on 10 RLBench tasks with 166 variations, and the results demonstrate our framework can outperform the state-of-the-art methods by 13.1 in average success rate.


The overall pipeline of ManiGaussian, which primarily consists of a dynamic Gaussian Splatting framework and a Gaussian world model. The dynamic Gaussian Splatting framework models the propagation of diverse semantic features in the Gaussian embedding space for manipulation, and the Gaussian world model parameterizes distributions to provide supervision by reconstructing the future scene for scene-level dynamics mining.



      title={ManiGaussian: Dynamic Gaussian Splatting for Multi-task Robotic Manipulation}, 
      author={Lu, Guanxing and Zhang, Shiyi and Wang, Ziwei and Liu, Changliu and Lu, Jiwen and Tang, Yansong},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.08321},